Program Guide & Gallery
Below you can find an outline of the details you may want to include in your wedding program. Use these helpful guidelines when putting your wedding program information together so that nothing is forgotten.
You can browse our Program Gallery to see programs that we have done for our Brides. VIEW PROGRAM GALLERY
Wedding Program Outline
Program Title
- The Wedding Of…
- The Celebration of Marriage Uniting…
- The Marriage Celebration Of… -OR- The Marriage Celebration Uniting…
- The Wedding Ceremony Of… -OR- The Wedding Ceremony Uniting…
- The Celebration and Blessing of the Marriage Uniting…
- The Wedding Celebration Of… -OR- The Wedding Celebration Uniting…
- The Marriage Uniting…
- The Wedding Uniting…
- The Celebration on Love Uniting…
- The Celebration of Christian Marriage Uniting…
- The Eucharistic Celebration and Sacrament of Marriage Uniting…
- Welcome to … (preceding any of the above titles)
Wedding Ceremony
Tip: include songs and/or songs & composers, as well as scripture verses or reading if you wish.
- Prelude -OR- Music for Gathering
- Lighting of Candles
- Lighting of Unity Candles by the Mothers
- Chiming of the Hour
- Seating of the Families -OR- Seating of the Grandparents
- Seating of the Mothers (mother of groom is seated first, mother of bride is seated last)
- Seating of the House Party -OR- Honorary Bridesmaid(s)
- Solo
- The Groom’s Entrance
- Processional -OR- Attendants’ Processional -OR- Bridesmaids’ Processional -OR- Procession of the Wedding Party
- Bride’s Processional -OR- Entrance of the Bride -OR- The Bride’s Entrance -OR- Procession of the Bride
- Opening words -OR- Call to Worship -OR- Greeting -OR- Welcome
- Opening Prayer -OR- Invocation
- Declaration of Intent
- Giving of the Bride -OR- Presentation of the Bride
- Scripture Reading
- Wedding Message -OR- Definition of Marriage
- Exchange of Vows -OR- Covenant of Vows
- Blessing and Exchange of Rings -OR- Exchange of Rings
- The Lord’s Supper
- Lighting of the Unity Candle -OR- Unity Sand Ceremony
- Declaration of Marriage
- Closing Prayer -OR- Benediction
- Pronouncement of Marriage -OR- Presentation of the Couple
- Recessional
Wedding Party
Tip: etiquette rule of thumb… never separate a man’s first name from his last; list names as Jane and John Smith -OR- the formal title of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith)
- Names of Parents, Grandparents, and/or Great-Grandparents
Tip: note relationships if desired, be consistent on listing names – Jane Smith -OR- Mrs. Jane Smith -OR- Miss Jane Anne Smith)
- Maid (single) -OR- Matron (married) of Honor
- Honorary Bridesmaid (list alphabetically if more than one)
- Bridesmaids (list names in the order they walk down the aisle, honor attendant is a male bridesmaid)
- Junior Bridesmaid
- Flower Girl
- Best Man
- Groomsmen (list names in the order they will be standing, left to right next to best man)
- Honorary Groomsman (list names alphabetically if more than one)
- Junior Groomsman
- Bible Bearer
- Ring Bearer
- Ushers (list names alphabetically if more than one)
- Candle lighters (list names alphabetically if more than one)
- Officiant -OR- Minister -OR- Reverend (ask for preferred title)
- Musicians -OR- Soloists
- House Party (usually girlfriends who will be helping at the wedding and reception, list names alphabetically)
- Reader(s) -OR- Lector(s)
- Bride’s Attendant (someone helping the Bride who is not the coordinator nor a bridesmaid)
- Wedding Coordinator -OR- Wedding Assistant -OR- Wedding Director
- Wedding Reception Coordinator
- Guest Book Attendant(s) (list names alphabetically if more than one)
- Program Attendant(s) (list names alphabetically if more than one)
- Anyone else who plays a role in your ceremony or reception
Additional Information for your Program
An Area for “In Memory Of”:
- We light these candles to honor the memory of (names). We are thankful for their impact, influence, and love that shaped our lives.
- This ceremony is dedicated to the memory of those who have already left this world whose influence and love will never be forgotten, especially … (names)
- We would like to dedicate our wedding ceremony to our loved ones who have passed away that we wish were here today to share in our joy.
- Candles in the ( ) shine as a symbol of a life and love remembered.
- In memory of our loved ones who are no longer with us.
- The (candle, flowers) placed at the (alter, guest book, etc.) are in loving memory of (names).
Other Ideas:
- Thank you Note to Parents, Family, Friends, Guests (here’s where you would note any donation made in honor of your guests in lieu of wedding favors)
- Invitation to the Reception
- Directions from the Ceremony to the Reception
- New Address
- Poem or Verse
- Any other information you would like to share such as how you met or why you pick this date as your wedding day, etc.
- Note each item used for…. “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.”